Dior angers Chinese netizens 'slanted eyes' advertisement
Source: Money Today via Nate + Naver
[+249, -2] Dior, those idiots, why do they keep repeating these issues even after all the hate they got for it the first time?? When are they going to start taking this seriously???? I also feel like the Chinese government is powerful enough to ban Dior imports.
[+222, -8] Chinese netizens are reacting appropriately. I'm actually more embarrassed by Koreans who continue to buy luxury goods from these brands no matter how much they continue make a mockery out of us.
[+194, -10] The Chinese are right. This pisses me off as well.
[+155, -7] What is seriously wrong with Dior?
[+87, -2] This keeps happening because this is the image that the Americans and Europeans have of Asians in their minds. Obviously, those who are up to date with the changing times know that this isn't PC anymore but I bet a lot of the fashion industry still relies on what they feel on the inside instead of adhering to newer studies. They rely on stimulating the senses for their output which is why they keep ending up with these ignorant expressions. These knuckleheads really need to do some studying.
[+55, -4] Brands can act like this and there will still be brainless fools lining up to buy them...
[+17, -0] Amazing how Dior is consistently so stubborn ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[+14, -1] China's not a market that Dior wants to mess with ㅋㅋㅋ
[+11, -0] The Chinese are right. Those Western European ba$tards are so annoying with how they keep casting the most bizarre-looking Asian models to fit their biased, hyper-specific mold of what they think Asians look like. They're always casting monkey-looking models to contrast against their white models who were obviously chosen based on beauty.
[+10, -0] How can they do this while having Jisoo as their model?
[+7, -0] I suppose the twist of the story is that the photographer is Chinese..
[+6, -1] Leave this issue to the Chinese to handle. I've never seen a country of Asians who are as powerful as the Chinese when it comes to reacting to racism-related issues. The Chinese have always stood up to racist acts even on behalf of Korea and Japan. I know Koreans, Japanese, and Taiwanese are of the opinion that it's best to just ignore stuff like this and not give them the reaction that they're baiting but the Chinese are ruthless. They're dependable at times like this.
[+4, -1] With how repeatedly they've made these mistakes, it's obviously intentional and not at all a mistake, tsk tsk
[+3, -0] At least the Chinese are doing something about it ㅋㅋ Koreans are always just rolling over and taking it