Wow, the schism in reactions between Nate posters and Naver posters
So, is this like an arts school? I don't think there's an issue with attending a school where there's courses focused on skills and fields related to pop music and entertainment industry, as long as they get the proper core classes like math, languages, literature etc at the same level as common high schools. But if that's not the case, they're taking a big risk.
I don't get the whole it 'being a factory' argument, I never understood it when K-pop fans and others use this argument: you can attend schools or training/coaching programs for years in order to join top sports or become a professional musician, yet as soon as it's about K-pop when you're getting coached and schooled for years, it's suddenly a 'factory'? Sounds like double standards to me.
I don't have an issue with specialty schools as a replacement for common high schools (as long as students get the basic core curriculum at the least). I do have an issue with if a company owns a school that serves as replacement of common high schools, added to this the excessive school fees to join such schools.