random, but when do you think BIGHIT is gonna debut their new boy group?

  • i just thought about it.

    They was supposed to debut last year, then it was supposed to be the beginning of this year...

    I already know about what happened with Trainee A and etc lol.

    But I just wanted y'alls guesses on when you think the new group coming.

    MY guess is beginning of next year 2024.

    The earliest, is a surprise debut announcement at the end of this year, with a new lineup reveal.....that's IF it happens.

    I honestly can't read Bang PD mind😂

  • tokki-swag

    Changed the title of the thread from “random, but when do you think BIGHIT is releasing their new boy group?” to “random, but when do you think BIGHIT is gonna debut their new boy group?”.

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