Hanni (NewJeans) is boycotted in Vietnam

  • Girl was born and raised in Australia and then spent the last few years in Korea. I doubt she knows/cares about the Vietnamese political climate.

    I love this, this issue has a lot of nuances, and both sides were bad, but the north won. The winners write history, vietnamese ppl, especially the youth who never experienced the war but was educated under the current government of vietnam, have a really dualist non-nuanced point of view of the situation. For them wishing for a democratic Vietnam is being a traitor and against the government. But just like the beginning of South Korea, the government of South Vietnam was authoritarian right-wing. In contrast, the government of North Vietnam was authoritarian but left-wing. The problem here is less about the ideology and more about the fact that Vietnam is still under a dictatorship nowadays, and naturally, people who are educated in Vietnam will learn to consider the other side as the enemy mentality.

  • I love this, this issue has a lot of nuances, and both sides were bad, but the north won. The winners write history, vietnamese ppl, especially the youth who never experienced the war but was educated under the current government of vietnam, have a really dualist non-nuanced point of view of the situation. For them wishing for a democratic Vietnam is being a traitor and against the government. But just like the beginning of South Korea, the government of South Vietnam was authoritarian right-wing. In contrast, the government of North Vietnam was authoritarian but left-wing. The problem here is less about the ideology and more about the fact that Vietnam is still under a dictatorship nowadays, and naturally, people who are educated in Vietnam will learn to consider the other side as the enemy mentality.

    Even if the Republic of Vietnam was an anti-communist dictatorship, there was still more freedom in the Republic of Vietnam from 1955 to 1975 than in the Vietnamese Communist States that are the Democratic Republic of Vietnam from 1945 to 1976 and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam since 1976.

    Even if the Republic of Korea was an anti-communist dictatorship from 1948 to 1987, there was still more freedom in the Republic of Korea than in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea which was a Korean communist dictatorship from 1948 to 2009 then became a Korean socialist dictatorship since 2009 as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea dropped every references to communism in their constitution in 2009 during the leadership of the second supreme leader Kim Jong-il.

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