Most of the experience I had so far was with fake brands, aka. some random store printed Korean letters allover their products and claimed they were made in Korea and some random person in store would probably "buy the concept" thinking it was real and that Koreans would use it in Korea, even if thats all BS and not true. I mean we all saw thise sheet masks in stores like Action who claim to be Korean but are actually from a random brand in the Netherlands. But from real items I remember that many years ago I had a eye cooling stick from TonyMoly. Was OK, but for my liking too expensive since even tho its cheap in Korea here in Europe it was like 4x the price and 12€ is a lot for something that you just rub under your eye. I also had a sheetmasks of a brand from Korea called Sugu before and one of Missha but they both were expensive AF back than cause it was 3,50€ for each and since items were in general a bit cheaper back than I felt a bit weird to buy them when brands from my country were like 0,50-1€ at that time. I also tried a mascara, chushion makeup and lipstick from Holika Holika, each item was 10€ but I wasn't really a fan of the cushion makeup cause it made me look like if I was sweating and it felt sticky. I also did not quit liked the mascara since the wand wasn't suitable with my natural long lashes and did not much for me. But I really like the lipstick and still use it sometimes. And since facemasks in most stores are now almost the same price from most brands I bought a row of facemasks by Missha again since they are now quit cheap with 1,89€ compared to 5 years ago where they were almost 2x of the price. Do you had any experiences with Korean makeup and beauty produces? What did you buy, what brands was it and how did you liked them?