Am I supposed to be thankful?(fat shaming)

  • Its really hurtful when your own family members always feel the need to comment on your body. It has happened to me as well since I was a child. When I was a teenager I gained weight (I guess because of hormones) and my mom gave me hell for it every day (I didn't even used to eat that much, and I did sports), and my grandma told me when I was only 15 that I should go on a diet. Then at 18 I lost all the weight and suddenly I was "too thin" and "should eat more" even my parents wanted to take me to the doctor and control me in the bathroom just in case I had bulimia because I ate a lot but never gain weight.

    Then at 27 I started lifting weights at the gym and some people (not my mom, because she does too) told me I shouldn't do that because I would look like a guy (which never happened).

    People are never happy with how you look, they always have something to say. The best thing is to ignore them and just do what you want, but when it's your own family they can really hurt you and even lead to trauma.

  • As a victim of this once myself, you should not have to deal with that.

    A couple months ago a relative came over and the first thing she told me was "you're going to become heavier than me when you grow up" (she's like the same height as me) which was NOT beneficial to my already developing ED.

    And I've never received comments about my weight before but I always felt that I was too fat so I took her comments very personally.

    Anyways our family reunion trip over winter break just got cancelled but I was so stressed about the comments I may receive. I'm 149cm and a little shy of 40kg right now but I still feel like I'm overweight.

    But please don't take the insults to heart. You do not want to slip into harmful habits.

  • Wtf I would've just left..

    The same thing happened to me..

    Since before I was rlly young I was considered overweight, and my family constantly felt reminded me and joked of my weight. like if I ate any food besides junk they would say stuff like oh look they're going on a diet and laugh idk y or when I wanted to join a sports team, they just laughed and said no.. You would think they would want me to lose weight but no they would make fun of me then shut down anything that even looked like an attempt to lose weight. Time went on and they kept ridiculing me and I didn't even want to go to any family gathering or even come out of my room because all that was waiting was somebody laughing at me... And like you said about them maybe calling you a "killjoy" they were like what's wrong with you why don't you want to be around us? Likeeeeeeee.

    Long story short I developed an eating disorder~

    and I dropped around 24 kilos in less than a year.

    24 frikken kilos.. :pepe-hips:

    Since then, I gained some back and I'm at a normal bmi now and you would think it gets better but no, it seems my family (a select few at least) find every excuse to call me out.. ex: oh, why don't u eat more cake so you'll get fatter and hey EVERYBODY remember when they were fatttt lmaooo look let's pull up picturess~

    ah and some fan favorites "do u think ur better cuz u lost weight? wow what are u wearing, whats wrong you" apparently, I'm "putting myself out there" for wearing the same thing my cousin was wearing and I want attention.. dadadadaaa the offender?

    alsoo "why are you taking so long in the mirror, ur so full of urself"

    excuse you... no that would be because I'm insecure thanks to you stfu

    Seriously don't give a crap about them or anyone, it's not ruining your life over, trust me I did just to be bashed even more.

    oh the joys of relatives~ ;judgingpepe:

    the floor is raising, the sky is fallingg, the tides are turning, my eyes are burningg, head in the clouds and im not coming down

    "its getting colder, im burnin my anxiety, not firewood"


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