Music Bank will change its criteria to include global voting - Goodbye only-for-K-O-R-E-A people

  • Fi9msJAagAAk-Kg?format=jpg&name=small

    Just to clarify, CSR won over Younha because of Broadcast points, not Viewer Committee points:

    Category Younha CSR
    Digital Charting
    3587 0
    Broadcast 8 6324
    Viewer Committee 881 83
    Physical 0 0
    Social Media 10 0
    TOTAL 4486 6407

    Edited once, last by wsoet ().

  • I did watch CSR's post-win video. They were NOT given mics after what will probably be their sole win in major music shows, meaning even the staff is not treating them as winners.

    This isn't the first time that Music Bank has failed to provide hand microphones. Here's a case of it happening with Itzy:

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    Moved the thread from forum KPOP to forum KPOP.

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