[NB] Park Minyoung's sister resigns from Minyoung's problematic ex's company, knetz think Minyoung's image is irreparably ruined

  • source: Park Min Young's sister resigns from problematic ex's company

    Park Min Young's sister resigns from problematic ex's company
    netizen buzz, korean pop,korean drama, korean media, korean entertainment, korean news, kpop, kdrama, netizens, comments, reactions, translations


    Article: Just a day after Park Min Young's dating rumors... unnie resigns from nonexecutive director position

    Source: MBN via Naver

    1. [+1,764, -44] This actually makes Park Min Young's image even weirder... So her and her ex both met their parents, her unnie worked for him in his company... and yet they broke up just like that after the scandal hit the news? Feels like she was trying to keep her secret relationship under wraps so she could use him for his money before breaking up with him and getting married to some normal dude in the public later on. Hmm.. she should've just stayed quiet this entire scandal.

    2. [+1,127, -18] When Son Dambi's scandal broke, she said that she had returned all of his gifts and that they had nothing to do with each other anymore.. when Park Min Young's scandal broke, she took just a day to announce that they had suddenly broken up and that they had nothing to do with each other anymore.. These female celebrities really think these ridiculous statements are believable.. tsk tsk.

    3. [+409, -22] It's only right that the unnie gives up a position that she only got in the first place because of her dongsaeng now that they're broken up. Park Min Young should also return whatever gifts she received from him as well.

    4. [+352, -13] ㅋㅋㅋ Surely no one's dumb enough to believe that they broke up?

    5. [+159, -2] Park Min Young-ssi's image is totally shattered~~~

    6. [+82, -2] Her ex must be feeling quite hurt over his pride!!! Surely she must've known that he was just a chairman in name??? Unless you can really feel something like love for him as long as he's rich.. but that's quite a drop in class after dating the likes of Lee Min Ho and Park Seo Joon ㅎㅎ

    7. [+64, -1] This is so dirty ㅋㅋ She had no problem getting that position through nepotism but now that it's a scandal in the news, she's cutting everyone off so quick ㅋㅋㅋㅋ it's disgusting, tsk

    8. [+64, -4] Park Min Young, you've sure committed quite a lot, haven't you

    9. [+60, -0] The sudden break up ㅋㅋㅋㅋ what a comedy

    10. [+53, -1] Her lack of standards has been exposed to the entire world and her image is absolutely shattered now.. that's the end of her celebrity career, no?

    Article: Park Min Young's unni resigns just a day after dating rumors with wealthy man

    Source: Money Today News via Naver

    1. [+783, -72] Something about her physiognomy just looks like her life goal is to marry rich

    2. [+435, -4] All that's left from this scandal is that the entire nation is now aware of how low Park Min Young's standards are..

    3. [+301, -10] Normally when couples are planning to break up, they'll start handling matters with family like this before announcing the break up.. but the unnie resigned after the break up? Right when it all hit the news? Quite the timing, isn't it?

    4. [+261, -12] She was just completely won over by his money, wasn't she. Gave him everything.

    5. [+141, -5] Image is everything to a celebrity, and hers is completely ruined

    6. [+122, -4] So why'd they break up? Seems like it's been a while since she was spending nights at his place and even visiting his parents. Why not just get married?

    7. [+114, -2] She's got one thing going for her, at least... that she's probably the most successful plastic surgery case our country has ever seen

    8. [+110, -2] So the scandal hit the news, they broke up the next day, and the unnie resigns the day after that... it's so funny how they're all trying to cut ties with him when everyone already knows that they're willing to stoop down his level in the first place ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    9. [+75, -2] Aigoo~ she had no problem with him he was sponsoring her... but now it's a "break up"~~ She should stay off of TV.

    10. [+61, -3] I think all of her plastic surgery is catching up to her.

    11. [+52, -1] She looks so different to me now... I can't focus on her drama because I think of her boyfriend immediately. This is why image is so important~~~

    12. [+50, -1] This is so embarrassing as a famous actress. She should've been more cautious no matter how greedy for money she is.


    Article: 'Romcom Queen' Park Min Young, how much is her luxury car?

    Source: E-Daily via Naver

    1. [+2,066, -41] Her image has really shattered completely in an instant..

    2. [+1,361, -17] I saw pictures of the man without the face blurred out... and ugh!!!! Seems true that all it takes for a man is to have some money for women to stick to him like glue!!! Too bad all of that money was a farce...

    3. [+969, -318] She isn't even on Kim Tae Hee, Song Hye Gyo, or Jun Ji Hyun but she's been going around spending money like water. Tsk tsk, how cheap of her.

    4. [+376, -28] She may be driving an expensive car but it's all coming back to ruin her image now

    5. [+273, -2] Park Min Young has been working for a long time. An import car is not out of the question for her... It's just her image is tainted from this. She's mostly been known for bootstrap characters like office women that build themselves up with their own hard work... but to be involved with a man who's been in jail for loan scams? For using loans to drink millions at clubs? To invest money from am unknown source into a crypto scam? To even have other family members involved in all of this? No matter what she does from here on out, her image will never recover from this. Image is everything for celebrities.

    6. [+201, -4] Filming a romcom on TV~ filming a sponsor in real life~

    7. [+142, -2] Don't lie. I read that her current Lamborghini Urus is registered under that man's name..

    8. [+89, -1] This scammer really got both her and her unnie hooked on his money... how pathetic for both sisters~~~

    9. [+83, -2] She has such a strong stomach ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I don't think I could even stomach a cup of coffee with him ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    10. [+65, -2] Her image is now just...

    Source: Drama Gallery via YouTube

    1. [+113] This unnie really knows how to attract that money, doesn't she ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    2. [+37] Birds of a feather, really. She's used to sponsors on the level of Han Ye Seul, why would she even consider settling for a man who makes less? It's a shame because she's made so much of her own money already at a young age, what more did she want?

    3. [+48] Sponsors are linked to not only female stars but male stars too. If you randomly start seeing the same names in the viral searches and untalented kids landing drama role after drama role, it's usually 100% a sponsor pulling the strings

    4. [+89] If even top stars like Park Min Young and Han Ye Seul are getting sponsors of this level, can you imagine the sponsors involved with B and C-list tier stars? ㅋㅋㅋ

    5. [+82] I don't think I could handle dating a man like that after getting to work with such handsome co-stars all day

    6. [+39] Of all the men to date, she chose this ahjussi. What a drop in class. And to only break up after it's already hit the news ㅋㅋ on top of that, her face is becoming more and more grandma-like

    7. [+41] She obviously had all the best choices in the world and she chose a scammer of them all ㅎㅎ

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • yikes the comments are ferocious

    most of them negative commenters seems like they bottled up their jealousy of her for a long time already

    the comments were even worse actually, these are mostly muted and censored

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • Hmm… who she dates for what reason is her business as long as it’s consensual.

    no, that's true, but if he's really connected to all the bad things he was accused of (some even implied b*rning sun) and his money is dirty, then she deserves criticism if she knowingly got with such an allegedly horrible guy

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • no, that's true, but if he's really connected to all the bad things he was accused of (some even implied b*rning sun) and his money is dirty, then she deserves criticism if she knowingly got with such an allegedly horrible guy

    Do we know that she knew how exactly he made his money?

    It looks like they want to criticize her because they can’t criticize the man cause they don’t know him.

  • Do we know that she knew how exactly he made his money?

    It looks like they want to criticize her because they can’t criticize the man cause they don’t know him.

    There's no way she didn't know, he's been named in multiple big scandals for years but has evaded most punishment.

    But true, he's the one responsible for his dirty actions. It's just that it's clear she enjoyed the fruits of that that angers a lot of people.

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • its her life, and i don't think anyone should get involved. we don't really know all of the factors of this or the reason behind any of it.

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