My boyfriend and I were high school friends, so technically we've been friends for 5 years. We've only been dating for a month and I always know him as the nice innocent guy, but the moment we dated he started to ask for a kiss. I gave him permission since it was just a kiss, but he started to ask for more. He wanted me to touch his freaking d*ck and wanted to touch my boobs (both with clothes on), but I refused. He kept begging even though I kept refusing. I got mad and he regret then apologized. I'm from a conservative and quite religious family in SEA and I have always wanted a platonic relationship, I haven't even hugged a guy before I dated him. I actually quite like him except for his horny ass. We really connect, but I don't want to be with a guy who just use me for sexual needs. Should I just break up with him or should I give him some more chances?