gg ghostie
bobsyouruncle won the game!
bobsyouruncle shot ahead kittykitka and is now at #50!flop kittykitka
rusty c4 skills
ghostings play me for a practice round
bobsyouruncle , since ghostie is busy
ghostings play me for a practice round
okayy, let's go!
bobsyouruncle , since ghostie is busy
are practice rounds possible @ripia
Eternity-April joined the game.
okayy, let's go!
ghostings won the game!
ghostings is elminated already lol
I would laugh, but then I'd feel bad, plus that's probably going to be me soon.
flop kittykitka
I haven't even been playing????
Connect 4 is a solved game with a strategy that will win every time if played perfectly. It's played on a 2-dimensional 7x6 grid, and won if you can connect four (heh) of your pieces in a row.
This can be abstracted to a game trying to connect N pieces on an k-dimensional grid of size <k1, k2, ..., kN>. Is there a name for this generalized Connect 4 game? It's a type of connection game, but I don't see anything like it listed.
The main question on my mind: given a k-dimensional grid of size <k1, ..., kn>, the goal to make a connected path of length N in the grid, and the constraint that you have to "drop" your piece in from the "top" of the grid (not sure what "top" means in dimensions higher than 3), is this game solvable for any N and any grid shape?
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