BTS' Dynamite, released August 21, 2020 (and six months and 5 days old), defeated Lee Jieun's Celebrity, released January 27, 2021, a month old. Which shows not too many releases in the last few weeks have captured people's attention. Traditionally Feb is a slower month in KPop,but this is surreal in my opinion.If Kim Wooseok did not release an album a couple weeks ago, this fight might have taken place last week with IU beating BTS in what I think is a meaningless bout since neither showed up to the show. At least Shinee has released a new album so it will end this farce next week, but Shinee is not a new act either. === BTS has won 42 music bank shows, tying SNSD's record, but SNSD's record is a bit skewed because it has two yearly #1s which is included in there. (Yearly #1s were awarded to Wonder Girls, TVXQ, SNSD (two times), IU, Psy and Cho Yongpil, but was stopped from 2014 because at that time SM produced MusicBank and no SM singer was likely to win the yearly #1 by 2014 - if it had been awarded Lee Jieun(and Kim Changwan)'s 'The Meaning of You', with no regular #1s, would have won the yearly #1!). So BTS already broke SNSD's most music bank wins on Jan 6, 2021, something which was buried under the circus at Capitol Hill on that same day. But I'm more worried about the weaker showing of newer acts, because the fight between two Senior Singers (BTS - Lifetime Award from Gaon on 2019, IU - Lifetime Award from MAMA on 2014) will be broken by Shinee, which debuted 2008, while the newer acts are helpless and have to watch these acts still fighting at the top