Ill play the game but if i lose,i will only give u the akorns after i've obtained my 4th badge,,im only 70 akorns short till my 4th badge,,deal??
ok modified rules below
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1. only applies to conversations, DMs, posts between selfmate and seniorkpopper
2. each time any one of us makes anything related that is sarcastic in nature we must put a sarcasm spoiler in spoilers.
3. it may not be so obvious whether something is or is not sarcastic therefore in case of disagreement we take the matter to the masses to decide...
4. the loser (ie. the one who did not put sarcasm in spoilers) shall forfeit the sum of 50 akorns to the winner.
5. if seniorkpopper loses to selfmate then as a condition of the loss, she will only have to forfeit the sum of 50 akorns after obtaining her 4th badge.