I fine with it, as the truth of the matter is these things happen, people tend to write about their experiences
but these shouldn't be seen as having a good experience, just as it is really.
Although when real experiences like this happen there's often a haze of cluelessness (as In the beginning you dont know any better so it's seems right and just, even though it's not) that's a hard feeling to replicate in writing which may make the issue seem lighter than it is, that people can misiterupt it as romancitizing especially in the beginning but most these stories should end in realisation that these sttuations are toxic, or in failing that a disclaimer should be given.
For me, these are fictious so its never been a problem cause I know better, through personal experiences but they not something I'll read at all, however people are still naive and can't always comprehend fictional narratives as fiction and can be easily influenced, so It can be a issue.