Posts by ekser
my ears enjoyed that
I had to google 'bts bwl' because I couldn't accept that they meant boy with luv but seems like they really did
i used to have both ktl and bwl on repeat
Chungha said that the girls want it in a podcast recently so I really hope that their companies will allow them to do it this time
if only the day when Collei would be a playable character would come...
summer if I get to stay inside during the day and go for a walk as sunrise is going on after a sleepless night
if i have to go out during the day as well then autumn or spring
not really
I'm close in age with the most of them
do you like the layout?
All good other than the eye- gouging traffic light- like green rectangle for online status
Fist thing I went to check was if manga & anime section is still here and it is for real so it's all gud
currently re-watching Hanako
as for on- going anime it's;
AOT Final season
Promised Neverland
Jujutsu Kaisen
going to start watching 2nd season of Dr. Stone too tomorrow after 1st ep released
I'm caught up with anime and I've been trying to resist reading manga at least until april when it's finished. Latest episode's cliffhanger made it even harder than it was until now though, it's too good