I just want to say in regards to the climate change, let's be real here. Lisa purchasing/using a private jet honestly does not have as much an impact as we may think. I'm not saying it's nothing, but there's likely little difference between her using or not using it. Climate change is caused by major corporations and stuff like lack of public transport, resulting in vast majority of people using their cars (on a large scale, having more impact than one private jet). People like you and me making small changes to help the environment make such a miniscule impact, unfortunately, simply because of how awful these corporations are.
Lisa isn't like us either. Going to an airport or taking a normal plane can be stressful and overwhelming, even dangerous for her (remember Naeyeon's stalker?). Nobody wants to flood us to take pics or beg for interactions, but her? Millions of people would try that all at once if they could.
We're asking ourselves to make sacrifices for the sake of the planet when it has no impact in the long run. We are not the problem, Lisa isn't the problem. It's those who are at the top of our society, avoiding legislation so that they don't have to create environmentally-friendly business models. Nothing will ever happen unless THEY change, not us.