Posts by diabolus
I was so scared!!!
I'm Brazilian and diabo literally means devil, i was so shocked
Lol my username is latin for devil
Crown maybe.
Yes lol
Wow, you really thought you did something.. 2x - 2021-12-20T175509.251.gif
Other than posting a reply to a forum? No, not really.
Where is ‘neither’ option?
Must be sad knowing your girlfriend is way out of your league and can do a lot better...
They have good music
Blackpinks star power starts and ends with their instagram and brand power. No one cares about the half-arsed music they put out once a blue moon other than their fans. I can assure you they’re known in the western celebrity community as the pretty girls who are extremely famous on youtube and instagram.
With BTS they were always going to be bigger in every sense because of them being a boy group sadly. Girls just flock to them. Mediocre music or not.
Not Shy.
Mafia was the worst thing to come out this year. Horrible vocals, horrible “rap”, just a hot mess. Not Shy wasn’t a lot better FYI
Styling is actually good... for a change