I wasn't expecting that spoiler but
maybe it was in self-defense like Ji-an did. Maybe her baby's daddy was abusing her or wanted her to abort the baby. I kinda figured she was either sleeping around or was sexually abused.
I wasn't expecting that spoiler but
maybe it was in self-defense like Ji-an did. Maybe her baby's daddy was abusing her or wanted her to abort the baby. I kinda figured she was either sleeping around or was sexually abused.
I love her dress! She looks so pretty!
I read the spoiler and I kinda knew what was her past based on a clip I saw. But I didn't expect the other thing.
I wouldn't wear those pants but IU looks good with them.
I think they should deny it even if they are because their fans are going to leave a ton of hate messages and probably going to follow them even more.
Happy birthday IU!
There's two more clips. But I can't wait for this! I feel it's going to be sad.
. . . omg haven't seen you in a while
I know but I have been lurking around,
I’m so nervous I’m doing my driver’s exam in two weeks.
Sora or Turt turt
It's beautiful now and I'm rewatching dream high.
My Mister especially the ending because I felt her pain when
Her grandma died.
It looks good I have seen documentaries on the Baby Box.
My job sucks so hard that people are leaving for other jobs.