Posts by kooxgalaxy
I just found it on the internet... thought it was interesting that there was a forum.
It is not fiction.
sure thing.
Once again, what makes you so sure this isn't fiction? What the heck is this.
I'm a Cancer. I think I fit into some traits of a typical Cancer, but not completely. I don't really try to base everything off my life simply on astrological signs, but it's interesting to read about.
I think the dead part is metaphorical as in dead to her like when someone says you're dead to me
I'm anticipating Chungha's comeback the most, and she has a full length album coming out!
Bop for sure.
Yeah lol, but it's all muscle.
It is not fiction.
and what makes you so certain of that?
Well depends on the soup and what's in it. I guess typically we "drink it".