Maybe they're thinking about "family concerts" and they also need blinks...who knows
Posts by nessunaidea
Yesss YGE is definitely run by geniuses, this is an amazing strategy
No but for real their situation is ridiculous, not so much because of the time we have to wait for new music ,since it's common for the industry, but because the number of songs they have it's sad for a six years group. Luckily BP is an amazing group and keep gaining new fans, it's absolutely uncommon for a kpop group with a terrible schedule to be this successful
I don't know BP personally, unfortunately,so I'm not exactly sure about how cultured they are
. I can see why some trainees can't study while being in an agency but at the same time luckily some of them keep studying in case their careers as idols fail so not all of them leave school, some of them even attend university and I really admire them because I can only imagine how difficult this can be.
Idols aren't just singers/dancers and speak to a wider audience now since a lot more people are interested in kpop (both really young people and adults) agencies should at least teach idols how to keep up with the latest news and some basic knowledge, because it's damaging to only focus on music and dance at a really young age. Training sistema should really change....
BP are still charting pretty well (and they have a pretty decent number of hits too) but we also have to keep in mind that a lot of things changed in the last years... I'm only surprised about Akmu to be honest, it was strange for me to see that they can't climb the charts like they used to
She's so gorgeous and I love how confident she looks in those pictures
(I can only wish to look that good
Pretty savage... that's not even debatable
She's confident and we love it
BP pretty savage
Hiatus queens yeah
I'm not getting my hopes up for a cb, I'm definitely not
(she looks gorgeous btw, as usual)
Well, l don't necessarily take kpop that seriously so nothing actually irks me but the things I don't really get are people especially fans of groups in the big3/4 who completely deny the role of the agency in the success and fans of groups in smaller agencies who treat their idols as "poor victims" all the time. I also dislike when idols especially over 21 are treated as children by certain fans, even when they mess up badly. The last thing I don't understand (and only realized this recently) is when fans say that group and fandom are two completely different things...sure but sometimes the experience you have with the fandom can influence the way you see a group (I mean for example I can understand if some people can't fully support BP because of blinks) and denying this imo can be seen an excuse to maintain certain behaviors and not try to change for the better
YG/TBL because I basically only listen to BP and I kinda like other artists in the company... Not a good choice probably but what can I do?
wow nice! finally !
is this a sign of upcoming comeback ?
my wig and make up are ready
"Everyone in my favorite group is 100% natural, they never had p.s and just grow up"
"Blackpink are completely untalented and don't deserve their success, YG payed for it and it's all media play"
Pizza mimosa! Last time I had it I was like 8...(ora però voglio provarla di nuovo