so.... to somung up, Lisa has being dehumanized by people here in the comments instigated by a very hateful review and blinks should be fine with it because "is just an opinion"? Go F yourselves
Mods here are a joke
so.... to somung up, Lisa has being dehumanized by people here in the comments instigated by a very hateful review and blinks should be fine with it because "is just an opinion"? Go F yourselves
Mods here are a joke
naaaahhhhhh FUTW was the rigth choice
because YG gave them a deadline and they all waited until the last minute to drop.
Their quality content suggests otherwise
I didn't find any content creators talking about this in English, but here in Brazil the fandom can't shut up about this, there are 5 Lisa's alter egos, 5 jennies, 5 Rosés and 5 lines (that is, five people being tested) on Jisoo's polygraph
they afraid some of them if not all of them are to big for them to "handle", especially Lisa, she is way out of their hands, they cant control her at this point...reeks desperation
ft. Childish Gambino... this one will be 1000% a banger... soooooooooooooooooooo excited
it was sould out after 2 f minutes, The f!
my girl excels in everything she does
haters are here faster then lilies, yep, this is gonna be goood!