Posts by nuff-nuffs-nice
I dropped it after 8 episode or somethin' Lmao
Nice video content and layout to be honest. She knew from her childhood that she's gonna be a youtuber as well.
Nuest gone through that as well but they didn't disband.
It was rumored to be all English like Gone.. what nowwww
with a touch of YSL
Playing with fire kind of drop would do
Can someone tell her body parts in that posture? IS that a balloon sleeves? Or was it her hands? Or were her hands in her chest? Or at the back? Either way she's gorgggg
Isn't the issue about April Naeun was like when she's still a kid tho? Elementary?
It gives off a vibe of Narnia X Swan Lake..
Floorsé got dumped by Groundsé, i see.
It's either a BP comeback or New YGNGG debut this year