Posts by chaeyoungsluvr

    Neopronouns are widely used by neurodivergent people and transgender people. They can be very helpful to people that just don't feel comfortable with she/her, he/him, or just don't want to use they/them. As a trans and neurodivergent person I think thats fine and understandable.

    here's a small definition of what neopronouns are specifically,

    "A neopronoun can also be a so-called “noun-self pronoun,” in which a pre-existing word is drafted into use as a pronoun. Noun-self pronouns can refer to animals — so your pronouns can be “bun/bunself” and “kitten/kittenself.” Others refer to fantasy characters — “vamp/vampself,” “prin/cess/princesself,” “fae/faer/faeself” — or even just common slang, like “Innit/Innits/Innitself.” "

    -New York times Article

    Neurodivergent people tend to use neopronouns because they tend to feel a special relationship with their gender and/or find a difficult time understanding gender itself. I think neopronouns are fine and people that do use them shouldn't be shit on, or should be receiving death threats.

    Some neurodivergent people say that it's hard and unneeded, because "It's hard to use," and "they're complicated to use"

    I also understand this side of the argument but I feel that if it truly helps two whole crowds of people, that its okay. Most of the time that neopronouns ARE being used, they/them is also an option! I also think it is transphobic and ableist for someone to say "im not going to call you bun/bunself!" and mock neopronouns by using "nor/mal" and such. Also cisgender people using "blm/blmself" to harm the community.

    What do you think ?

    i HATE window shopping and frankly im bad at doing it, i always ending buying something and it makes me sad that i cant buy some albums :pepe-sad: cause when i do thats usually what i look at

    Maybe you should seek help. Maybe there’s some treatment that could help you. I know a women with ADD who can’t will herself to get up and do much of anything without taking her medicine. There could be a real reason for your lack of motivation

    i was also thinking about this, i really think i might be neurodivergent, i've been thinking about it for a while now, so i'm gonna ask if i can go to therapy because i'm pretty sure i can get diagnosed there, idk, maybe thats what plays a big part in my problems. i cant concentrate when doing my school work (like at all) even in irl school but now its just a bigger problem now that its online, and i have what i think are called "hyper-fixations" and a lot of other symptoms of ADHD. i know that i think i was even checked for ADHD when i was younger but i wasn't diagnosed, but i know that a huge chunk of young girls get undiagnosed because the diagnosis was based off little boys and adhd in boys and girls is diffrent

    i just wish life wouldnt be so hard, i get teacher's yelling at me because i space off, shake my foot, or figdet cause i cant sit still, its just so hard

    for me its

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    i dont even like this song that much


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    mhhh im not sure, im no dream reader or anything, i have no idea whats going on in your life but that probably plays a big part of it (obviously)

    its sounds like maybe the people that care for you are like not giving much a fuck anymore ? or maybe thats just how you feel about them ?? and as for the signs i feel like mayeb you're lifebis going by too fast and youre missing it

    i have no fucking idea though

    just guesses, im not too smart

    you okay?

    haha, yea i think so, maybe no, im just feeling sad, its been weeks since we broke up and their last words to me seem to echo in my head haunting me, it makes me feel guilty, it was my first relationship but i feel like i mess up all my relationships, even out of "dating" i cant reciprocate the feelings people have for me and it makes me feel terrible, once they are gone is once it starts to settle in, i wish i could tell them a few things,,,, but i cant