Posts by hilight

    Are... are you ok ?

    This is a kpop fandom, you might have picked the wrong door on your way in.

    Hoho, sh*t, i guess i did. TBH i forgot what the subject of the forum was while reading comments from other tab(sssss) and came back and saw the word hate here, and just went off. Realized I couldn't edit/delete it anymore so...I had to leave it for confused reactions. It was better than correcting myself. HAHAHA

    If humans actually value and put true meaning on the cycle of a human life, there would be little to no hate but it's survival to the fittest; That's sadly what our ancestors left us new generations with and because we still have OG's, old people like D.Trump/K.Jong-un/V.Putin, who controls the system who are still alive. Once the older generations die off, there's always many great changes to come, just not maybe in your/our lifetime. (so deep, haha)


    I don't agree because timing is a big factor in Kpop of all aspects. (Not to say that time doesn't apply all over the world but Kpop is the subject, duh' right?)

    I honestly think TWICE has set their name down the same way SNSD did-just during a different time period. So--their history & meaning when looked back on, of course, will not be the same (even if they were to debut at the same time).

    Comparing the two shouldn't even be a thing considering SNSD are actual huge active seniors to all girl groups. And most people/anti-fans are probably putting more meaning behind the word or statement, 'compare' or 'the second SNSD', than it actually was intended to mean. If SNSD really is the first and the best then I can safely say that anybody can be a second something but right now, it's TWICE for some reason. Why try to change and argue it when it can be changed on its own when time comes?

    Look at T-ara Jiyeon, 'she was and probably will be' the only second Kim Tae Hee but it's not what it means. It's just in the aspect of that she has the similar look as her. (Unless somebody goes off on plastic surgery but--that's not the point)

    I didn't want to write an essay but--

    It's cool and all criticizing certain members for "--not having talent or skill--" in a certain area but why should they have a certain something you think they should have when they were assigned their role, within the group, based on their skill/talent at that time.

    And it's obvious that most groups if not all, are made prematurely but that's how you grow a skill/talent which is by tackling it while on the job (it's called hands on experience/training). But first and foremost, you gotta tackle what's ignored and most important -MOTIVATION. The motivation to even start something and for most people who needs reminders, you've passed the hardest part of life.

    It is up to the 'humans' (the same way it is up to you to continue harassing these idols) within that group to tackle new skills or continue to hone and keep the skills they already have to do the job they were assigned or add a new role to their current one within the group.

    For example:

    You were assigned to a 9-to-5 job because of your skills and if that's how you want your life to be till' you die, you won't pursue on other skills so you'll be stuck at the 9-to-5 job. Just saying--easy to understand now right?

    You still have all your life to learn and hone new skills if you choose to.