This statement also helps prove that TWICE are banned from solo promotions too. All those “wE LiKe pRoMoTiNg aS A gROuP” should be put to an end after this.
its time for some solo shit
This statement also helps prove that TWICE are banned from solo promotions too. All those “wE LiKe pRoMoTiNg aS A gROuP” should be put to an end after this.
its time for some solo shit
yoo why do i agree with all of these tf
AHHH thats so lame
threads like this are so pointless lmao
Love the TEDDY appreciation I'm seeing here :)
we don't stan Teddy after he took a year to make the shitty song that is KTL. That song is a forgettable mess
yeah i was surprised lmao
sana needs more lines!!!
invierno (winter)