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Posts by bellrose
Wow seriously
The last time I looked at the stats, it had like 40M... this is crazy. ARMY and baby ARMY keeps revisiting these iconic performances
I don't see what difference does this make, were they giving them away for free because of the delay?
They are very valid sales which have not been counted before... just... its disingenuous to pretend that they are a result of the concert, isn't it?
Anyway, congrats 👏
Should I mention that the vinyls ordered months ago, shipped this week...
Probably not
I quoted an army calling out Mamamoo for doing bleh things in the past. Pretty much 90% of those things were also done by BTS. So why the double standards against the girls?
BTS gets dragged for this every month and used as a scapegoat every time someone fucks up. Do you want Mamamoo to deal with this too or...?
What's up with people rushing to discredit this fun report?
You could just ignore but...
Must sting, doesn't it?
It's funny that people think that 'being taken seriously' was the only thing missing before BTS.
Without BTS, your faves will not be able to have an achievement without people (journalists, not your classic troll) mentioning how enslaved and mistreated they possibly were.
Even now, when your faves fuck up, you can always use BTS as a crutch and get them mentioned to deviate attention.
Maybe some GP still has misconceptions but the western industry and media are paying attention now, for sure. They are much more willing to share the spotlight. There is also a different topic to disscuss in your faves articles than merely 'Dark side of Kpop', journalists may mention BTS and usually is never anything negative. Even when media decides to attack, usually is only BTS receiving the heat.
You can't possibly want more.
I will kill that Boy in Luv MV from American Hustle Life
Replace it with any acknowledgement to Louder than Bomb, anything :'v
Yes yes, of course, I didn't see any Blink spamming the screenshot anywhere. It never happens.
Blinks always break total numbers at their convenience.
Let's divide this per song
Let's divide this per album
Let's divide this per number of concert dates [Oh, wait, not for 2019, Twice had less concert dates so their individual concert dates grossed a higher revenue. For this one, let's look at the total numbers :) ]
Let's separate this in BG and GG
Ah, I remember them flaunting this one last year: BP is the biggest group but let's look only at October's data.
People say that Solo stans are the downfall of a group but company stans can literally end a group. The most company stans a group has, the weakest the idols are in front of a their company.
Literally, if the company believes that they can reduce the quality of the group, shelve them, exchange them for other group and fans decided to side with the company instead of the group, that's it for everyone. Solo stans at least will complain and bring attention, even if its just in favour of one member.
Also, solo stans are not part of the group's fandom, they just are not. It doesn't mean the can't get along (even contribute to charting) but by the definition, a solo stan does not support the group, how are they part of the group's fandom then?
Wow, they really bought back the rights (please be forever and not just for another year).
If that doesn't suggest how relevant that performance is... then I don't know what.
I am a bit confused.
If it was a mistranslation, why are knets also interpreting it the other way?
I am going to make a bold statement and said that BTS On:E was the best concert out of all online concerts that have been out until now.
I didn't watch the others tho lol
I watched snippets (3-4 songs) of BP and also the Dua Lipa one and Billie Eilish... still not enough to judge them
I still think that BTS had the best.
The range of songs, the incredible set ups, the intro alone was amazing but most importantly, BTS were the ones completely carrying the performance on their shoulders.
Like, the Dua Lipa one looked good but then I realised that the sheer amount of backup dancers was improving it a lot. BTS, however, are the ones that grab all the attention by themselves and you don't get distracted by the backup dancers.
Also, with screeshots, snippets and some full videos I watched from BP concert. I disliked their outfits
They usually have amazing outfits but the one in The Show were not it
With BTS, I did not have a problem with any of them. They all looked amazing.
Either way, I remember the reactions after BTS On:E, people rushed to buy the second day because it was so good. People here and on reddit, making posts about how amazing it was. Saying that they realised why BTS is at the top. Some ARMY who didn't feel they liked BTS as k7ch anymore, saying how the concert alone reminded them why they loved BTS so much.
Besides, I have rewatched it multiple times on BiliBili, it's just that good. Actually, if someone knows where I can stream it with a better quality, let me know lol
BH should create a whole exhibition of their awards and sell tickets to it.
I don't know about the selling tickets part but I was thinking, they are planning to use a couple of floors on their new building as a store and ARMY can visit it, don't they?
So, wouldn't it be nice if they prepare a special room where they can display their awards?
That would be amazing, I'll do anything to arrange a trip to S Korea in the future.
Unless, the boys think it is too personal, then I still hope they have a special room but only for them.
Point 1: They have the money and can probably afford them. Valid. Let BH know. We should request them. 100%, let's see if we can get them back.
But then it's emotional:
Point 2: "Can people stop using business logic and reality to make factual points?" - it's not BS. These are good, logical points.
Point 3: "ARMY built BTS." No, BTS built BTS. We saw their talent and skills and supported them, we do not have ownership rights to them. They are not 'ours'. They create and we consume or choose not to as we will. BH helped form and fund them, to the point BTS re-signed with them and verbally support them regularly.
Point 4: "BH themselves never treated them how other companies will treat their groups."
Please prove this one. BH gives them artistic freedom almost no other idol group has, has from the beginning treated them as honored artists, as they do all their idols , and has given us the huge library of content we have. BTS say they like their agency. Do you think they're lying to us? Honest question.
A quick reply
Point 2: New flash, BH is well aware of ARMYs emotional connection to BTs, they take advantage of it, they can return the favour by keeping well-loved BTS content.
I don't care if it is logical or not. This is offer - demand, ARMY (like any consumer) can demand those things (and BH can comply or lose consumer preference) and that's the point of my comment, you can't shush us, expected people to speak up.
Point 3: I didn't even say what you have on quotation
Point 4: I don't think you understood that part of my comment. I said BH always treated BTS with more benefits than the way most companies treated their groups so is only logical that the fanbase they cultivated will request special treatments too. They don't expect BH to act like everyone else, specially when its some measly request like its to buy copyrighted content.
They should see it coming, if anything, they should take the initiative and make those gifts to the fans by themselves.
How different would it be if BH will say: we bought the rights to these performances instead of ARMY realising they are gone.
How different would it have been if BH added subtitles to Bangtan bombs by themselves instead of waiting until ARMY got mad at them
They don't understand their consumers.
And before someone says: they are a company, they know what they do, blah blah.
Then stop trying to pacify ARMY, let the situation follows its curse and let's see how it ends Supposedly. Everything is perfectly calculated by BH after all.
Bighit has the money to buy those performances, I don't see the problem with fans requesting it. They threw millions to freacking Zepeto, they have the money.
Sure, it would be a waste to buy all 26 but I think anyone is intelligent enough to keep the ones that seem relevant, buying 3 or 4 will not hurt anyone.
Black Swan had more than 50M views, seems relevant to me.
There is a middle ground that can be reached, you know?
Also, can people stop with the: is normal for any company, bs? Happen to other artists too, bs?
If ARMY had treated BTS like other fans treated their groups, they wouldnt be where they are now. Fans would have found them obsolete around their 5th anniversary, we always thought they were something else and treated them as such.
BH themselves never treated them how other companies will treat their groups. We can make a request and ask a bit more from them, it's just expected.
BTS has given them everything, they can invest a bit more on them (and their fans) that what they would do in anyone else
Disrespectful ARMYs: 92.7%
Respectful ARMYs: 23.1%
Total: 115.8%
The way this fandom grows is impressive, seems unreal.