Posts by buffyfan
she's so ridiculously hot in that black mini-dress
I'm in loveeee with Momo's voice in the commercial 아침저녁 자기 전에... Pink Care lol. It's so soothing and relaxing when she says it. My favorites were Nayeons, Mina's, Dahyuns, Jungyeons and of course Momo's. I like the little choreography points for each song and Ive been singing their commercial all day. It's so catchy.
I am lovinggg all these new Twice interviews this promo. These interviews they have been doing are some of my favorite ever. Knowing that some of its going to be in English has really made me watch a lot more Twice interviews and get to know them even a little better. Like Jihyo is really funny and smart. And Nayeon is hilarious. And Chaeyoung is super cool with her demeanor.
I'm gonna go with DTNA literally bc of the gif you chose. That moment had me breathless when I first saw it.
that would be amazing marketing. Starbucks is everywhere.
I hope it's Twice!! They would go good together with a nice flirty song. Nayeon has always given me mini Taylor vibes in the vibes so I really want to see them together lol.
oh I'm so ready. The preview sounded so good.
it's the music. It's definitely the music.
I just went through this thread....LMAO. ppl get so mad and so shady when Twice doesn't fit the "declining" narrative. Now all of a sudden, getting top 10 in a billboad 200 chart is low standards and everyone's gonna be doing this in 2022. If that was the case, why wasn't anyone predicting this for debut for Twice? All I have been hearing mostly since Twice even mentioned America, was that it was no use for them to even try bc of their language and type of music they make. And now they growing and I honestly think will only get a little bigger once things start to open up and Twice starts promoting more worldwide. Very exciting time to be a fan. I really wonder what Jyp and Republic will do next bc of these results.
momo in AF has been murdering me every performance. There's something different about her beauty this comeback.