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Posts by mashimaroluff0
It should be noted that Sohye, the only other idol to have their committee documentation leaked was charged with a Clause 2.
Sohye's documents revealed that she yanked a girl by her hair and forced her down to her knees in front of her and then repeatedly punched her in the face.
That’s insane. That’s not bullying that’s straight up battery. Where I’m from I would file an assault charged with the police, miss me with school discipline bs.
P.S All this korean school violence make the catch me outside girl look like baby talk
I doubt that because HYBE already threw the other girl under the bus by talking about the molka. The “protecting minor privacy” card is gone. They could release the report and redact the information about other perpetrators and the minor who got her molka taken. Nobody would question if they redact those information.
Of course we need to wait for the law firm response, but I’m just speculating hybe logic doing what they did.
What I’m curious about is if hybe has copy of the violent committee report? If they do they would know the content, and I wonder if it include “physical violence” in there. I hope they do and that’s why they so confident to claim there was no physical violence because it wasn’t listed.
So if they have the proof in their hand why didn’t they release it? Why would they bait the victim lawyer and have this period of ambiguity where public sentiment can go against them? And for what? This doesn’t make sense.
My guess is the report has more details that doesn’t paint Garam in a good light so even if the “physical violence” isn’t clearly stated, it would ruin Garam even more. So they point out the molka in the report hoping it scare the victim team enough to back out. Hybe is basically back into a corner between a bad and a worst response.
I just re-read hybe statement and they say, and I paraphrase, she is on a hiatus to heal her "injured heart".
None of their previous statement has words showing compassion toward the other suicidal victim, but they use these words toward Garam. Either the company has no tact, can't read them room OR they think it's them vs. the world at the moment.
They basically picking a fight with the public. I hope it's worth it for them but I don't see how it's fair for the rest of the groups - especially the izone girls who brought much more to the table. I'm also wondering how the rest of hybe artists feel about their company souring their own reputation fighting for this girl this way.
My hot take:
Garam is finished regardless of what the report say because the truth that she got a #5 is already confirmed. Even if it's proven true the friend spread the molka, Garam retaliate hard enough to get a #5 which meant she did something serious. Two wrong don't make a right, at least in this case.
If she was doing a normal office job it wouldn't matter. But her job depended on public's perception and this industry is so competitive, why would the public accept anyone less than "perfect" or "wholesome"?
Hybe/Soumu can be stubborn and keep her but this will tainted the group and bring them down, even just a level.
My head has been filled with this girl who attempted her own life this whole morning, I couldn't do anything else. I can't imagine the immeasurable pain she is in that have caused her to take such drastic measure. How all of this has been handled was just so terrible on so many levels. My heart really ached for her.
And I can't help but blame soumu/hybe just a little, or a lot.
Why couldn't they show her more compassion when she reached out privately? Sometime all the victim need is a little acknowledgment of their suffering. It's what they need to began on the path of healing and yet everything had descended to this level. Hybe/Soumu could at least show her a little compassion or empathy in their statement without admitting guilt, regardless of what happened in 2018, or who's right or wrong. They are dealing with a bunch of minors here and yet lack so much sensitivity. On the other hand, they are hypocritical enough to attempt virtue signaling by calling out the law firm.
Why can't any adult in all this think of the children even just a little.
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I get it when people dont want to believe due to lack of information but people who double down and make excuses even when more have been reveal are really sick in the head.
Idol adoration and their company by extension can be blind. And it’s scary. But people don’t want to get call out for it.
Too many izone members
Tell this to the lehman brothers
you are assuming that the monetary offer is not good...assume is a big fat number
I speculate about the money offer based on two factors. First, they went for a criminal lawsuit instead of a civil lawsuit, and they hired expensive lawyer, which tell me the family has financial means and willing to spend it. Money as all thing, is subjected to diminish rate of return. Secondly, considering, risk vs. reward, money as a reward is not enough to compensate for the risk of being attacked and undermined, with the worst outcome of suicide as we already been informed. Fat check to already rich people vs. losing their daughter doesn't seem like an enticing offer logically.
If I knew it before stanning then I will avoid stanning
If I knew it after I started stanning depend on how the idol/celeb react, I can be a casual fan but never stanning again.
One of the worst things about this whole thing is just how mental fan culture is. There are people defending Garam, who've been defending her since day one and who call themselves her stans even though she debuted 5 mins ago and has no skills or charms that she's shown worth such faithful fans. She's a nobody who just appeared at this point, and I don't understand people. It's one to reserve judgement, and it's other thing to fight tooth and nail for somebody you've been stanning since tuesday. It's so weird.
That's the psycho part all of this. My worst intuition came to fruition. Fans attacking the victim.
I think that's the biggest reason for the harsh response from the public especially when they a newbie because they know how blind fan culture can be.