Posts by Kouss

    I mean, they are kinda already stepped in it, so might as well go all in.

    Like the alluded to, they are perfectly fine losing the NewJeans IP and starting over. They are still young and can still have a good career.

    If they started over and redebut, they'd be around the age Aespa was when they debut/Black Mamba era, and look where Aespa's career is now. If Ador doesn't meet demands, starting over might be the move.


    I listened to their album while driving yesterday, and this was the only song i added.

    I looked at my library today, and was like “why did i only add a random B-side and not the title”.

    Turns out i actually really like the song. Maybe the best on the album.

    I’m guessing CJ E&M killed it. Everyone in the hip-hop community was excited when a label got mega mainstream support from a large corporation, but i think in the end, there was too much red-tape and maximizing profits.

    Which the Korean rap/hip-hop scene has notoriously not brought money anywhere close to kpop standards. Most Korean rappers don’t get that much streams or endorsements. It’s primarily performances (festivals & club shows).

    I’m assuming this is why Jay Park created yet another label, after saying he was gonna retire lol.

    Idk im kinda torn. One one hand, yes its pretty elaborate and critical how closely HYBE followed other idols, but like, isn't that the market?

    Like if this was Mcdonald's spying on Taco Bell or Samsung spying/stalking Apple, it'd be standard business?

    I think its just weirder because the products are idols/people? Most people say early in debut, Giselle got some hate for not being as visual and being a bad dancer.

    Maybe Giselle didn't do the donation for attention, but i don't think its evil or so crazy that HYBE came to that assessment, since it could boost her popularity/name recognition. idk this one just seems so mild.

    Yes, most companies keep close tabs on their biggest competitor. I'm no hybe apologist, but it doesn't seem that crazy to me. HYBE was obsessed, they are trying to take over the kpop market from SM, who had been stagnant previously and was losing their edge/overwhelming market share.

    I might have to eat my words, but i doubt a new SMGG will be rivals with a survival show group. We saw how well Kepler did.

    And unless they have a breakout star, much like Izone, i doubt they will be that relevant. And EVEN IF they debut does well, surival show groups are a pattern of doing really well right after the show ends, then steadily decline, which is the exact opposite of what a new group is suppose to do.

    I thought it was pretty obvious in the music video is was an actual person. AI is good, but there's no way to shoot those dance scenes with real dancers and AI, with it looking that real.

    SM has essentially released an idol, who isn't singing, only dancing lol. Well the singing part is still questionable, since some have said Navis voice is Aespa's voices mixed by AI.

    So yeah, its an actual person with a deep fake face. Must be pretty awkward/weird for those in the industry who know how this girl is.

    Literally not what she said lmfao people really are unable to think.. crazy.

    She was asked why she apologised publicy by a western interviewer this was the response.

    AND instead of doubling down and saying she is sorry and regrets vaping inside, she instead makes a commentary on korean culture and how the apology was necessary because of said culture ( NOT BECAUSE SHE WAS SORRY).

    I think it’s ironic that she you accuse others of being unable to think, while you seem incapable of having a deeper nuanced conversation.

    Saying things kind “What can i do” and “i can’t go against time”, plus invoking korean culture TO ME, shows she it’s making a commentary on korean culture that requires apologies. Which imo, is a weird thing to bring up, if you are actually sorry.

    If i murdered someone, then apologize to the family, then when i asked why i apologized i say “Well you Know Americans. I get why ppl are upset, it’s culture and i can’t fight that”.

    Instead of just saying “i messed up, so i felt the need to apologize”

    Those are TWO COMPLETELY different narratives. Jennie choose to make helpless statements like “what can i do” and “i can’t go against time”. Those make me think, she doesn’t agree with the apology but knew she had to, because it’s Korea.

    I’m not trying to drag Jennie, i agree with her statement, and that she had to submit to korean culture, which is to apologize for the slightest wrong (even if she thinks/knows she did nothing wrong).

    She needs media training, she's always giving dumb blonde rich.

    She knows what she is doing and she just doesn't care? Like at a certain point, especially in the west, and less common in SK, but you just in fact stop caring because you get dragged in the public square for doing something that other ppl do and no one cares.

    So yeah, i think she essentially said, she apologized because she had to, its korean culture. Now my opinion is, i don't think, that SHE THINKS she did anything wrong. Which is fine by me. She knows the situation more. Maybe that is her usual make-up team and they are ok with her smoking while in the chair etc etc.

    Plus from the video, it looks like she blew the smoke up, which is kinda like a courtesy smoke, because she's being somewhat conscious of the staff around her.

    Is this his voice or are we being trolled.

    I legit thought my headphones were broken when the song started.

    HYBE is shameless. There’s just so much autotune, to the point where it sounds like 3 different voices.

    I’m having a hard time thinking how anyone could consider this a bop. I atleast liked the M/V and dancing in the chorus

    I think this forums is huffing paint. Like i get it, im down for voting blop. My initially reaction was blop because it was underwhelming, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad song. Fast forward to me adding it to my rotation for more listens, it’s actually a fun song. I think the choero is trash, and MV is trash, so that might have influenced ppl’s votes (it did mine).

    But it’s a bop for me now.

    Especially when you look at that TRASH song Tzuyu released, which is the definition of unimaginative and cookie-cutter solo, have more bops/blops and lower flops than Meovv.

    This forum is just full of haters.

    I think so. There's no way in hell that HYBE will ever reinstate MHJ (I think it was naive of the girls to think they could make demands and have them met easily) I really think that MHJ is manipulating the girls into believing that their nothing without her, and that they'll never be successful without her. They really just need to be separated from her. She probably told them to go live. Obviously I don't want them to leave HYBE because I don't want them to disband but I think that HYBE won't be too lenient on them.

    i hate this narrative so much. It has ZERO to do with NJ thinking that can’t be successful without MHJ. They are already successful and HYBE has the money and influence to continue to make them successful.

    This is about loyalty, friendship, and mentorship. People want this industry to be cut-throat and for NJ to just accept/be happy that the person who built them up, made them feel heard, and planned out a successful career for them is being kicked out, because she continued to FIGHT for them.

    There’s a lot of shit behind the scene and no doubt, MHJ was VERY transparent with little evil things (like no approving plans/schedules, holding funding etc), so the girls naturally dislike HYBE.

    The girls aren’t being manipulated. They truly enjoyed MHJ and rather than shut up and put THEIR career first, then are standing by their mentor/leader. If i had a boss that was transparent and always looked out for my career, get fired for doing just that, i’d feel very upset as well.