I hate kpop-buzz and K-media so much

  • " The more you are hated, the more you will get a hype "

    Entertainment industry still uses these process but this might be the worst marketing i have watched in my kpop life

    Seems like only hate articles (with a stupid topic) work these days

    Fans don't even realize it's the Company itself who paid K-media to create this whole mess.

    They know you like competition but it's not even about music competition anymore

    I'm not surprised if Kpop-Fans are starting to focus more on concept, beauty and clothes than music itself

    how can i blame them, they start loving their idol/group out of the illusion of competition

    Dear K-company ,

    if your idol is talented, people will always recognize it... stop spend money in mediaplay and show us what your idols can bring on the table.

    That's all , thank you :-)


    🥀 Partner in Crime🩸

    Edited 2 times, last by OopsEncoreMoi ().

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