can we be honest?why are bg fans so bitter that their faves aren't nominate in Melon Awards?

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  • moas for instance were so sure their faves are lightyears ahead other 4th gen bgs and here we are :teeheek:

  • 4th gen stans going on and on talking abt how rigged it is when they can't even chart top 100 on melon daily chart

  • These kind of fans only want recognition but don't want to put extra effort

  • carats who think svt deserves more than 1 nomination when they are the ones that boycotted Ready to Love just because Bang PD is in the credits. They complain RWY deserves nomination when it was just released not more than a month ago and did not accumulate enough points to be nominated. If only they look at the criteria, they know what to do and where to work on.

  • moas for instance were so sure their faves are lightyears ahead other 4th gen bgs and here we are :teeheek:

    Txt released exceptional music this year but lets be real it tanked on melon idk why were even expecting. Tbh I'm kinda bitter love song wasnt a hit in Korea.

  • carats who think svt deserves more than 1 nomination when they are the ones that boycotted Ready to Love just because Bang PD is in the credits. They complain RWY deserves nomination when it was just released not more than a month ago and did not accumulate enough points to be nominated. If only they look at the criteria, they know what to do and where to work on.

    That song had potential to be a hit it was honestly sm better than what they had been releasing recently but even their recent song had hybe vibe even though the producer was an outsider.

  • Everybody knows that girl groups did the most this year their was not a single memorable release from bg

  • because groups that do worse on charts/have less popularity/have lower results than other groups get nominated than those who actually surpass them in every category.

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