Kpop fans pride themselves in getting behind activist causes. Since last year there's been like a 1,000%+ increase of hate crimes against Asians. In the latest incident an elderly man was violently killed just as he was walking. He wasn't robbed or anything, just attacked for being Asian so it's obviously a hate crime. But due to most of the aggressors being other pocs it doesn't fit with several narratives. Hence it gets little attention from the media and politicians and the justice system is even refusing to charge these incidents as hate crime.

As kpop fans are y'all going to get behind the #AsiansAreHuman tag?
I would if I were on twitter but am not
I see stuff like this happen to almost all types of race. In my country where I come from 2 years ago a Turkish girl was murdered in a McDonalds for being Turkish. A friend of my ucnle's wife was also murdered cause he was black and people misstook him for a refugee (not knowing that he was working as a doctor in France and even studied to become a doctor in France). I hear so much about people who do bad things to other nationalitys or religions, it is just bad
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