GP999: It's funny how my predictions have been so dead on

  • Even before the show aired I made a couple of prediction that are turning out true:

    - Chaehyun was going to make the final group and be popular with Koreans. I said this the moment her teaser photos were released and she just keep going higher

    - Fu Yaning will get her redemption and show a different side many people will like. Literally 99.9% of ifans were full on hating Fu Yaning but I was the only one making an argument that based on her past actions she's actually a good person, and apologized for her mistakes unlike many idols, including Wendy

    - Cai Bing's fall and Dayeon's rise. I made a threat implying Dayeon was more deserving than Cai Bing for the final group, and that Cai Bing was getting by on visual. But once Cai Bing had her controversy it looks like I'm being proven correct again

    Here's other predictions that are still pending:

    - Su Ruiqi won't make it. The way I see it is that its either Xiaoting or her, but Xiaoting seems to have more marketability and when push comes to shove people will vote for personal favorites/visuals on the final vote rather than 'merit'

    - Yujin. I think there's two possibilities, either she makes the final group but gets hate for being lacking despite her age and experience or taking a spot away from someone more favored, or she gets an upset at the last episode

    - the final group will be 3C / 3J / 3K. this seems unlikely but I'm open to the possibility

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