Do You Prefer Albums Where The Title Track Is The Best Song Or Ones That The Title Track Isn't The Best Song

  • No preference because I'm going to find the song(s) I enjoy over the long term anyway and any song can also be made an MV if their team wants.

    This reminds me of the concept album vs title track approach in the west. There are also hybrid cases, but if the artist or group is singles driven, it limits them from actually having a real catalog of songs besides compiled A-sides from over the years (AKA "Greatest Hits").

    This brings me back to quality vs. quantity. For releases that are mostly title-track focused or companies that don't have huge budgets, I think having a maxi single with 3 solid quality no-skip tracks (and instrumental(s) would build better trust than having a mini-album with 5-7 songs and most being filler or even some mini albums coming around with 100% filler.

    Lots of fandoms will buy whatever though, song quality isn't the most important to many and it throws off other agencies who assume if they attempt to make the same style of music, it will automatically sell well too.

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