My guess on the structure of the next episode is going to be;
1 - Elimination of Cells and reveal the 3 girls who get the 2nd chance
2 - Reveal the Individual ranking, and the formation of New Cells (I assume they keep this for at-least one more elimination)
3 - Some cute meaningless challenge like the Baby Photos in episode 2 to give some kind of advantage to cells for next connect challenge
4 - Reveal of the next connect challenge as the cliffhanger
It is possible they do the elimination last and all 99 girls participate in the initial selecting of the next connect mission songs with only those who survive getting to participate (like in Produce 48) but with cells instead of individuals this becomes a whole lot more awkward
ONE THING I am curious about is, if Hikaru gets #1 again, will she break the Cells again?
She seems smart to me, and could realize that Bahiyyih is the most popular contestant on the show and choose to guarantee her final spot by aligning herself with Bahiyyih (if it isn't already guaranteed) all she needs is a scene where she says she chose her because she sees huge potential in Bahiyyih (whether she believes it is irrelevant) and all of the Bahiyyih stans will immediately become her rabid supporters too = easy money
Or will dumping Jiyoon for Bahiyyih be viewed as too cold a move, dumping Dayeon and XiaoTing didn't hurt her popularity so I am curious to see