personal f***ing rant 21

  • why do i feel so dreadful driving through your home state

    how can this place be for lovers when you've anything but reappeared

    right now i'm just a shiny black car snaking through the mountainous roads

    shrouded in absolute clouds working alongside the fog engulfing the mountains in the distance

    and i passed a cemetery on my left

    with hitched breaths i still searched for your name in the blurs of the tombstones that whizzed by

    i thought good karma was real, forgoing my own selfishness

    so i opened a door for about five elderly people

    and still fell upon a stony grave in broad daylight

    - A.H.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • That is very poetic and deep. :pepe-sad:

    I like writing poetry style rants as well, except mine are very angry and all over the place... I wrote a long rant about how much I hate life and showed it to my teacher and I think she thinks I'm crazy now... :S

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