Cos it’s spammy and annoying. Sometimes nobody cares and it’s not because people are triggered or jealous as some fans would say. If I get another spammy looking thread it’s annoying. Like the only ones celebrating are the fans, so it should be just for fans to celebrate. The only other reason they post is to shove it to others face that their faves are no. 1 “but okay sis Idc cos I don’t celebrate it but you do”.
Because secure mature people whose faves have achievements love discussing about groups getting #1 on iTunes Antarctica.
Lmao. They are probably needed some validation in their lives.
someone will be pressed again after the influx of threads today. LOL
I think achievement threads are fine, but it's what the fans say in the thread that might be an issue.
Fan of group B > Oh achievement thread, leme see what's in here.
Fan of group A > My group is the best, better than B/C/D/Etc group.
Fan of group B > wtf??
Fan of group B saw Group A has thread of achievements, fan of group B come to spite the thread.
Repeat with any group.
It's probably more prevalent if there's a group that is known to downplay others' group's success when commenting on their own. Even leaving a subliminal diss. Or just plain hate/jealous, simple haha.
people really get pressed by achievement threads??
that's lame. jealousy probably. can't think of any reason to be honest.
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