Didn't Wendy win any shows with her solo?

  • Wendy is such a babe and it's so good to see her back in action after her accident with a great song, but I don't recall her winning any shows why is this the case?

    Even the views 12m I expected a lot more maybe as it's a ballad?

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    1. They are young people trying their best in a competitive industry.

    2. You don't know what other pressures they are under, company mistreatment, diet, lack of success, not earning, long hard hours, family problems etc.

    3. They have worked for years towards a dream to entertain us and offer it up pretty much free if you factor in streaming, Youtube MVs, reality shows.

    4. We all know what can happen in extreme cases, mental health problems and even suicide (Sulli)

  • Sad but at least she got to do the solo and release a great song


    1. They are young people trying their best in a competitive industry.

    2. You don't know what other pressures they are under, company mistreatment, diet, lack of success, not earning, long hard hours, family problems etc.

    3. They have worked for years towards a dream to entertain us and offer it up pretty much free if you factor in streaming, Youtube MVs, reality shows.

    4. We all know what can happen in extreme cases, mental health problems and even suicide (Sulli)

  • Unfortunately only a very few artists coming from idol groups do really well on digital charts with their solo songs.

    Even Mamamoo members have trouble doing well solo on digital charts, even more so after the Melon chart reform.

    Luckily Wendy's album sales for her album 'Like Water' sold 150k and more, which is among the best for female solo artists in K-pop, and even equals and beats the album sales of many top girl groups.

    And most importantly, as for her debut, the album, MV, songs and performances are really great and show what a great musician and vocal performer Wendy is, and both Wendy and fans were really happy with her debut :-)

    'No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.'


  • That's a really positive post, 150k is great and you are right the song and MV were so good and that's critical.



    1. They are young people trying their best in a competitive industry.

    2. You don't know what other pressures they are under, company mistreatment, diet, lack of success, not earning, long hard hours, family problems etc.

    3. They have worked for years towards a dream to entertain us and offer it up pretty much free if you factor in streaming, Youtube MVs, reality shows.

    4. We all know what can happen in extreme cases, mental health problems and even suicide (Sulli)

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