In all my akp existence I haven't tried doing an intro, so this is my chance, I'm really doing it.
Hi everyone, please be nice to me. I'm new... well not really I exist yeah that's the word, exist, but I don't talk much to anyone. Except for the staff members and those people who buy badges cuz I award them , I don't say hi first to people but when you get to know me i'm actually very friendly.
I like weird stuff, cuz I'm very weird and I like people that are very chill, that's probably why I like being married to your-dad in the old akp. I should stop talking about the old akp and move on.
It’s exactly 3:30 in the morning and I had this sudden urge to get out of bed and just write something. My fingers are itching to write; I miss hitting the keyboard with stories and ideas vomiting out of my brain faster than my fingers can type.