With Minhyuk returning from military and news of his free fan meeting spreading, Monsta X accomplishing their 9th anniversary since announcing their fandom name 'Monbebe', and some coming across the group for the first time paired with Kihyun's newest cover that has since been released (pre filmed before military service), figured I would create a small thread to show my appreciation for the group as I rest in between cleaning my oven and allowing the cleaning stuff to do its thing.
MX Debuted as 7 members now acting as 6, (Wonho recently got back from military and has since met with fans, had a livestream and more. The PD nim of his channel has told us that new and refreshing non pre filmed content is on the way!. His solo personal vlog channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/ohhoho if you are interested).
Recent livestreams, and the members celebrating Monbebe's 9th birthday.
Recent member livestream (on Youtube). Members in livestream: I.M and Shownu.
9th Anniversary celebrations. + My Most watched.
Our lovely Shownu singing a cover in English:
Assumed to be Pre filmed (military service) content/my latest watched to suggest.
Shownu Musical Debut in the Great Comet!

(Source) https://koreajoongangdaily.joi…eat-Comet-of-1812/1969283
(He's also our beloved model to).