I wonder why some people would refuse to have children that are disabled

  • I don't quite understand it.

    Is it because people think they would be too "difficult to raise"? (in comparison to children without disabilities)

    But well... I guess some disabilities make children not live very long. (I had a relative, who had spina bifida, who got more and more paralyzed until she died only 9 months old. But I am aware that not all people with spina bifida die that young)

    I know that some people would refuse to have autistic children or children with Down syndrome.

    And I have heard that some parents of autistic children want to "cure" them... (there is actually no cure)

    Well... even though I don't want any children at all (because I probably would suck as a parent), I think that if I had a child, I wouldn't care whether it had a disability or not. I would love that child no matter what and also try to be a good parent as possible.

    Maybe learn sign language, if my child was deaf. (even though I know a bit of sign language)

  • HwaGoose

    Changed the title of the thread from “I wonder why some people would refuse to have children with disabilities” to “I wonder why some people would refuse to have children that are disabled”.
  • I understand that if a woman is pregnant and it is determined that the baby has a disability, she might choose to have an abortion.

    However, if the baby is already born, the parents should step up and fulfill their responsibilities as parents.

  • society is not programmed or designed for disabled people

    if it takes a village to raise a child it takes so many more villages and resources to raise a disabled child and sometimes those resources are just not available in that country

    for more dependent children one has to worry about burnout - no social life - lack of finances - the constant worry of who will take care of the child when one passes away - the parent's whole life is now dedicated to being a caregiver

    and ultimately of course different strokes for different folks

  • Because life is harder on them and it would break the parents heart to see their child not succeeding despite trying their best. Besides they often aren't independent and would need someone by their side after the parents death.

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