Donald Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts in Hush Money Trial

  • Trump has been gifted a guaranteed victory only in the popular vote, but not the electoral vote just like Hillary in 2016. Hillary was guaranteed a victory only in the popular vote in 2016, only to be defeated by the winner of the electoral vote, Trump.

    Popper-of-Ks Do you agree with me in that Trump will win only the popular vote? I think so because he has many supporters outnumbering Biden's fundraising numbers.

    I think an electoral college win for Trump is more likely than the popular vote, but I wouldn't be surprised if he wins both. We will see.

  • I think an electoral college win for Trump is more likely than the popular vote, but I wouldn't be surprised if he wins both. We will see.

    More likely does not mean guaranteed.

    ~~ :red-heart: QUEEN SUNMI :red-heart: ~~

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    Edited once, last by bethesda ().

  • The only poll I trust is the actual election.

    How is an election a poll to you?

    ~~ :red-heart: QUEEN SUNMI :red-heart: ~~

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  • How is an election a poll to you?

    Simple. Because you're literally polling the population on who they want to be in office, which is why a common phrase to describe voting is "going to the polls."

    It also happens to be the most accurate poll we have, with the largest sample size by far. Now if we could just do away with the archaic electoral college...

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