Zheng Shuang’s Face in New Drama Will Be Deleted With AI Technology

  • Zheng Shuang’s Face in New Drama Will Be Deleted With AI Technology


    Since her surrogacy scandal erupted in January, Zheng Shuang (郑爽) has been blacklisted by Chinese state regulators. All her entertainment-related jobs were canceled, and her face in upcoming drama A Chinese Ghost Story <只问今生恋沧溟> will be digitally removed.

    The scandal came to light when her ex-boyfriend Zhang Heng (張恆) revealed that he has been stranded in the United States for over a year, while taking care of their two children conceived through surrogacy. He accused Zheng Shuang of abandoning the children and not wanting anything to do with them. Conflicting accusations continued to heat up, as Zheng Shuang then accused Zhang Heng of cheating and owing her money. In an audio clip leaked online, Zheng and her parents considered abortion and putting the children under adoption at one point. Their flippant attitude angered many people who felt the children’s welfare were neglected in the whole fiasco.

    Denounced by Chinese authorities for her actions, the results of Zheng Shuang’s blacklisting has been immediate. Even in a brief scene in Dt. Appledog’s Time <我的时代,你的时代>, Zheng Shuang’s face was blurred out when her drama Love O2O <微微一笑很倾城> was airing on television.

    More extensive digital editing will take place for drama A Chinese Ghost Story <只问今生恋沧溟>, in hopes that A Chinese Ghost Story can still be released. With the help of AI technology, Zheng Shuang’s face will be edited out, and replaced by Goodbye My Princess <东宫> actress Peng Xiaoran (彭小苒).

    It is said that Zheng Shuang received a salary of 160 million Chinese yuan for filming A Chinese Ghost Story. Now that the drama is in the red, investors will be taking legal recourse in an attempt to recover their money.

    In addition, Zheng Shuang still has two dramas that have not aired including Secret Keepers <绝密者> and Jade Lovers <翡翠恋人>.

  • I feel bad for those involved in the production of those dramas to possibly not be able to release the content because of her. I would be amazed how far technology have gone if she can be digitally removed. She's such pretty and lovely looking actress to have fallen so fast and far from the top. I can't see her ever rising from this scandal.

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