A song that I think was originally a poem.
It was written by a famous poet called Poul F. Joensen.
I have heard that the song was written about his wife.
There are two different versions of that song.
One that has a more cheerful melody.
I often hear people sing the cheerful one at weddings and stuff.
And then one that has a sadder melody, which I think Hanus G. Johansen made.
I think that melody actually matches the last verse.
And I really like Hamradun's cover version.
The English translation:
Beautiful flower, you who decorate
mountain peaks, cliff and pass,
field and meadow and green slopes,
what is more beautiful on earth?
However, I know a flower,
she is the most beautiful of all,
not even a rose compares to her,
she is the one I chose for myself.
Flowers sprout towards Spring,
wither when it´s Autumn,
mine, she blooms all year,
even if there´s cold and snow.
She can only blossom once,
she withers, I wither with her.
I will accompany my flower
to the final resting place