wrote a screenplay about the story of a nugu girl group that turns misfortune into an opportunity to become a global phenomenon. basically it's about a desperate gg faced with financial pressures due to the lack of success and what that kind of situation

  • does to people mentally and emotionally. especially if you force them all to live under one roof. one day a fight breaks out between the members and unfortunately, it gets super violent and leads to the accidental death of one of 'em. they all panic and call their manager and ceo, and in typical opportunistic fashion, they hatch a scheme to not only protect themselves but also get something out of it. they make up a bs story about the dead member being attacked by some imaginary criminal instead. the korean media eats it up with the rest of the world following shortly after. their group gets a second wind because of all the press and they do a cb after all the obligatory mourning period for the cameras. the song becomes a huge hit despite it sounding like absolute trash. little do they know that at least one korean cop who actually gives enough of a crap to do their job isn't buying the whole thing. long story short: a lot of thrilling and exciting stuff happens along with a few macguffins here and there that ultimately leads to one giant cgi army battle, lord of the rings style, between all the marvel and dc characters and the transformers and whatever other IP i can afford to throw in there. i already pitched this to disney earlier this week. they said the story was fine but it was just lacking a straight white cis male villain that the heroes can endlessly preach to until he can't take the overt pretentiousness anymore and jumps off a cliff to his own doom. i already had a different ending in mind so the deal never went through. i wanted to end the story with the lead detective, which will be played by a bts member because cashgrab, relentlessly working the case until he finally finds definitive evidence that the media narrative was all a lie like most narratives these days. i'm hoping netflix gives it a chance

  • That actually sounds like a super interesting screenplay. The whole idea of a nugu girl group overcoming struggles feels really fresh. If you're aiming for realism, you might want to explore legal obstacles too, like contract disputes or unfair treatment—those happen a lot in K-pop. Kind of like how the Tulsa Wrongful Death Attorney deals with tough legal cases, an entertainment lawyer could be a huge part of the story.

    Edited 2 times, last by Amiedose ().

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