Nighttime Date | Kai fanfic

  • sveznalica  soshilovelife  novemberrain

    Nighttime Date

    The sky is dark and starless.

    Jongin is in the park waiting for Sooyeon.

    They have been dating for 2 months.

    He wonders whether or not he should tell her that he is a vampire.

    He hopes that she doesn't become scared of him, thinking that he would want to hurt her.

    He takes a seat on the bench and picks up a daisy that has been blossoming next to it.

    Sooyeon likes flowers. He knows that, but he doesn't think that she would appreciate only a tiny daisy.

    He plucks the petals wondering if he should tell his secret.

    Before he gets to finish plucking, he sees Sooyeon walking towards him.

    She is wearing a white, sleeveless dress.

    A smile appears on his lips as he sees her.

    He gets up from his bench and throws the daisy away.

    "Hi my dear." he says.

    He walks over to her and gives her a hug.

    He feels the scent of her floral shampoo.

    Then he looks into her eyes.

    "I wonder why you always ask me to go on dates with you at nighttime instead of daytime." she says.

    He avoids eye contact, wondering what to tell her.

    "I just prefer nighttime." he says, before he puts his hand on her shoulder and plants a short kiss on her cheek.

    "You're a bit strange"

    "I find your obsession with cream soda strange too"

    "What? but cream soda is delicious."

    "I know, I like it too" he says and chuckle.

    Then he caresses her arms, before he kisses her lips.

    He closes his eyes as he enjoys the touch of her lips on his.

    She closes her eyes too and places her hands on his waist, grabbing the fabric of his shirt.

    Then their lips let go.

    "Your lips..." he says with a soft voice. "they taste like cream soda."

    "Well well well," they hear someone say. "What do we got here?"

    They turn around and see a man in a white button-down shirt and black pants.

    "So you have a human girlfriend, Jongin?" he says, before he laughs while showing his fangs.

    "Who is he?" she asks.

    "Sooyeon, I have something to tell you."

    Jongin's eyes turns red, and his fangs appear.

    She looks at him shocked.

    "That explains why we only go on dates at nighttime." She slowly backs away from him. "You're not going to suck my blood, are you?"

    "No, I'm not, I'm not going to hurt you."

    The other vampire lets out a laugh.

    "If you're not going to suck her blood, then I will."

    He walks towards Sooyeon and grabs her arm.

    "I guess your blood might taste sweet like cream soda." he says, licking his lips.

    "DON'T YOU DARE, KYUNGSOO." Jongin yells, before he punches him on the face.

    Kyungsoo lets go of her arm and falls down on the ground.

    "Aww, I thought that we were friends." he says with a sad face expression.

    "Not after you tried to bite my girlfriend." Then he looks at Sooyeon. "Please run."

    She runs away as fast as she can.

    "If I can't have her blood, I'll have your blood instead." Kyungsoo says and gets up.

    "I'll kick your butt."

    "You wish your butt was as big as Sehun's."

    Then they start fighting.

    Later that night, Sooyeon is lying in bed, tossing and turning.

    She wonders if Jongin is alright.

    She gets up from the bed and looks out the window.

    She sees him being outside her house.

    He is sitting on a bench.

    She opens the bedroom window.

    He looks up.

    He has a black eye and is bleeding from his nose.

    "Don't worry, dear." he says. "I'm okay and he is not going to try hurting you anymore."

    He gets up from the bench, walking with a limp.

    "Do you hate me now?" he asks.

    "No, I still love you and know that you'll never hurt me."

    "I love you too." he says and blows a kiss towards her.

    "I would like to go on another nighttime date with you." she says.

    Hearing that makes a smile appear on his face.

    The End

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