Shoujo Manga + Anime Recommendation Thread

  • A favorite:


    Basara by Yumi Tamura (1990-1998) 27 volumes in Japan

    Genre: fantasy

    Plot: Dystopia in a future Jpn society involving twins and a prophecy

    There was an anime series adaptation.

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    Edited once, last by Yinye ().

  • Another classic favorite:

    Tokimeki Tonight by Ikeno Koi

    Original series 1984 - 1992 (30 volumes; sold over 30+million for its day)

    Genre: fantasy, comedy

    There was also an anime adaptation.

    Plot: Ranze is part vampire and werewolf student but falls in love with a human boy classmate against her family’s wishes since they are actually spies sent from the Underworld to observe and report re human activities.

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    It’s so popular that 40 years on, there’s gonna be an exhibit this summer in July!

    Edited once, last by Yinye ().

  • Another one:

    Kodomo no Omocha by Miho Obana

    It and the anime adaptation was so popular it has a slang name: Kodocha. (1994-1998; 10 volumes; the anime is also very good that I bought the DVD for the entire series)

    Genre: comedy, slice of life, drama

    Plot: Elementary student and celebrity, Sana, clashes with her classmate Akito but their relationship is complicated!

    Manga artwork Bunko edition:

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    Anime OP #2 - perfectly captures this story chaotic energy and humor:

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  • Yinye

    Changed the title of the thread from “Shoujo Manga + Anime Thread” to “Shoujo Manga + Anime Recommendation Thread”.

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