ANDREW TATE turned Women into (Sexual Web Cam) Slaves.
ANDREW TATE = BBC News *Articles List*
(REUTERS = *Detailed* News Article = TATE Brothers *Alleged* Behavior)
Prosecutors say (RO COURT) that TATE = 'Sex, Lies , Video Cams' ; 2023.02.02
Observation -->
The current situation where the TATE Brothers are *exposed* to RO nation public , traveling to and from the RO JAIL to the RO COURT , is that *DEADLY* physically dangerous for them ??? ... Could they be *ASSASSINATED* as say J.F.KENNEDY (ex-USA PREZ , Year 1963) ???
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I am NOT clear that the TATE Brothers would be *physically safe* under a RO JAIL BAIL *granted* (RO JUDGE) *release* situation ... Is it just *possible* that someone might want to kill them ??? ... Say even , a Romania Citizen Female with a AK-47 Machine Gun ??? ... Or even the Brother or 'Boy Friend' of one of the *6 WOMEN* (Romania Citizens) that have filed *official* complaints about the TATE Brothers , concerning *possible* HUMAN TRAFFICKING behavior ??? ... My view , the *Best* Way that the TATE Brothers are *Physically Safe* (Stay Alive) , is residing *inside* the RO JAIL ... Plus , are the TATE Brothers , after being granted RO *BAIL* JAIL release , going to 'stay around' in ROMANIA ??? ... To await a *very possible* CRIMINAL TRIAL of them (GUILTY = 10 YEARS PRISON = HUMAN TRAFFICKING ???) ... Or , would the TATE Brothers very *likely* ILLEGALLY FLEE from ROMANIA (if they could do it) ???
My view , the TATE Brothers should *remain* in RO JAIL , until it is RO JUDGE *decided* IF there will be a RO COURT *CRIMINAL TRIAL* of them ... IF NO RO COURT TRIAL , then the TATE Brothers get JAIL *released* , and get *return* of their PASSPORTS and PROPERTY ... BUT *AFTER* RO POLICE and COURT *INVESTIGATION* EXPENSES are DEDUCTED = ZERO ASSETS REMAINING for TATE Brothers ??? = (LOL) ... ... And then , the TATE Brothers (NOT Citizens of ROMANIA) are *immediately* DEPORTED to the USA or U.K. nation (where they are Citizens = NOT Romania) ... Otherwise , IF a TATE Brothers CRIMINAL COURT TRIAL in ROMANIA takes place , then the TATE Brothers should *remain* in the RO JAIL for their own PERSONAL SAFETY (my view) ... Plus , again , the TATE Brothers are *clearly* a FLIGHT RISK to FLEE ROMANIA at ANY TIME ... *ESPECIALLY* in a CRIMINAL COURT TRIAL situation (where GUILTY = 10 YEARS in RO PRISON for HUMAN TRAFFICKING ???).
Having said ALL of that ... IF the TATE Brothers get JAIL *BAIL* in ROMANIA , and then FLEE ILLEGALLY to say U.K. nation ... Clearly , the TATE Brothers would be GUILTY of that (FLEA 'FLEE' CRIME) , and ROMANIA gets to keep ALL of their ASSETS that they have located it so far (Expensive CARS , JEWELRY , CASH , HOUSES , Etc) ... So , IF that ROMANIA gets the 'Dirt Bag' TATE Brothers RETURNED to them , I suppose ROMANIA would be okay with that ... BUT , does the RO COURT SYSTEM even really WANT the TATE Brothers returned to them ??? ... I suppose it *depends* on how the RO COURT SYSTEM 'feels' about the *victimized* women , who are RO Citizens ??? ... Or , maybe RO COURT SYSTEM is PLEASED to get ALL of the TATE Brothers ASSETS (Net Worth) , and RO Female Citizen *victims* of TATE Brothers get *their fair share* of that (their ASSETS) too ... AND , the TATE Brothers are GONE from ROMANIA too ... So , I suppose it depends on how MUCH that the RO WOMEN want to see the TATE Brothers in PRISON (for HOW MANY YEARS) ... And how MUCH that the RO COURT SYSTEM cares to WANT the TATE Brothers in RO PRISON too ... Maybe , for RO COURT SYSTEM , they just want the TATE Brothers ASSETS (Net Worth , Wealth) ... And the *victimized* RO Citizen Women get *their fair share* of the TATE Brothers ASSETS ... And the TATE Brothers are GONE from ROMANIA ... OR , they get RETURNED to ROMANIA , and the TATE Brothers lose ALL THEIR ASSETS , and get to reside for say *5 YEARS* in ROMANIA PRISON too ???
But anyway , again , I would NOT let the TATE Brothers be RO JAIL RELEASED ... Until AFTER that their *possible* CRIMINAL TRIAL situation is FULLY RESOLVED with RO COURT SYSTEM (JUDGE decision) ... So , the *possible* TATE Brothers CRIMINAL COURT TRIAL is *concluded* say in June of Year 2024 ??? ... I would NOT remotely consider to have the TATE Brothers released from RO JAIL , as long as it is *possible* that a future CRIMINAL COURT TRIAL of them *might* take place in ROMANIA.
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ANDREW TATE = Again Loses RO COURT (JUDGE) Detention Appeal:
His Human Trafficking Charges Explained ; 2023.02.01
And A Timeline Of The Social Media Star’s Controversies.