Sung Yuri's company found to have received hefty investment from Park Min Young's ex despite her claims of non-assocation

  • Sung Yuri's company found to have received hefty investment from Park Min Young's ex despite her claims of non-assocation


    Article: [Exclusive] Sung Yuri claimed she didn't know Kang Jong Hyun... but her cosmetics company received a 3 billion won investment from him

    Source: Chosun via Naver

    1. [+2,098, -19] Damn, Park Min Young's image has completely shattered and it looks like Sung Yuri's is next

    2. [+1,007, -23] There's an awfully nasty stench coming from this Sung Yuri couple

    3. [+761, -15] As expected, birds of a feather flock together

    4. [+350, -2] Never in my life did I think I'd see Sung Yuri's name in scandalous articles like this. I suppose this is why you're always told to pick the right partner in life. What a bitter feeling. It'd be a complete lie for her to claim that she doesn't know him. All the first generation idols are crumbling one by one. My memories ㅠㅜㅠㅜ

    5. [+303, -3] She's always posting bougie stuff on Instagram like visiting museums and attending floral shop classes... when she was just a scammer all along ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    6. [+260, -4] Well clearly she's made enough money for herself so please stay off of TV from now on. All these talentless names becoming celebrities and coming into all this money...

    7. [+201, -2] So she's the CEO of the cosmetics company but is now claiming that she doesn't participate in the running of it? What does that even mean?

    8. [+191, -1] She really wants us to believe that she's the CEO but doesn't run it... It's always female celebrities like her who get married to scummy rich dudes and play up the chaebol luxury image until they end up in divorce over a scam scandal and act like they really didn't know what he was doing, they were fooled too, but now they're the relatable single mom who has to figure life out on her own! They're all scammers, the lot of them. They know what they're involved in and it's only until things end up in divorce that they act like they were never involved in these things.

    9. [+180, -1] So she's the CEO but doesn't participate in running the company.. so she's only a CEO in name? The fact that they lie about all these things already means that they're not clean at all... more of their fishy corners should be investigated into.

    10. [+164, -7] I remember during their FinKL days, Lee Jin had the least presence and popularity in the group but who knew that she'd be the one to end up in the best marriage and happiest life out of all of them. You can really never predict someone's future.

    11. [+161, -5] I remember all the news back then during FinKL's heyday where she'd always talk about going to church and being so reserved and pure, but look at what she's in the news for now

    12. [+158, -2] Sung Yuri ㅋㅋㅋ her image crumbled in an instant ㅋㅋ she sold her entire life for 3 billion won

    13. [+140, -1] I always wondered what Lee Hyori meant when she said "Yuri-ya~ stop with the kind act~"

    14. [+106, -2] So disappointed in Sung Yuri

    15. [+87, -2] I always thought it was weird that they claimed they weren't involved with the scammer when he was driving their Mayback~~

    Source: Naver

    1. [+524, -2] I suppose now it makes sense why the scammer was driving Sung Yuri's husband's car.. If they truly weren't involved with one another, why would you be lending cars like that? Obviously there's a connection now. They were close enough to lend cars and receive 3 billion won investments but now that Park Min Young's scandal is out in the open, they paid it all back and cut ties ㅋㅋㅋ It's so funny to see celebrities like them and Son Dambi see no problem with receiving money like this from shady people only to deny it vehemently in the media once it comes to light...

    2. [+175, -2] Just a bunch of thugs all connected to one another

    3. [+150, -1] And goodbye to Sung Yuri too

    4. [+127, -0] I will never buy a product from a company run by a celebrity. The price and quality can never compare to the real deals.

    5. [+95, -2] All that pure and kind act down the drain, she was just a liar all along

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