I sometimes like it when people have their own interpretations of some of my fictional stories

  • Sometimes when I write a short story or something, I do like it sometimes when some people have their own interpretations of my story. or parts of my story.

    Well... there are jokes and memes that are like:

    The author: Her dress was green.

    The English teachers: The author is trying to tell that the colour of her dress symbolizes envy and that she is jealous of her sister.

    What the author meant: Her dress was green.

    If I wrote a story where someone said that the main character's green dress symbolizes envy, I would probably be more like "Oh, I wasn't thinking about that when I wrote it."

    I do remember in school, when I was showing a story, I wrote, to my teacher and she said something that made me think "Well... I wasn't thinking about that"

    But I remember drawing a picture, and one person said something about one character, I was drawing (I forgot what she said) and I was just saying "Actually, no."

    and yeah, if I had a story which didn't have anything to do with envy, then I would be be "actually, no" too, if someone said that the green dress was symbolizing envy.

    I do sometimes put symbolism in my stories, and sometimes I have my own interpretations of what some colours and stuff symbolize, but other times I might put some random stuff without thinking about what it symbolizes.

    I might have a character wear a purple jacket because "why not?"

    Well... in a fanfic of mine called "Pink Umbrella", I myself interpreted the colour pink as "the colour of romance" (but a kind of pure romance) and well... what the umbrella symbolizes is kind of revealed in the story itself. (but "umbrella" is also a reference to the ship I was writing a fanfic about)

    It can be fun to hear other people interpretations of my stories.

    EDIT: There is something else, I wanted to add.

    Sometimes I get story ideas, when I read stuff like what this and that symbolized.

    I remember randomly reading a "symbolism dictionary", which said that orange blossoms symbolized innocent love or something (I forgot) and it gave me an idea for a story, where the main character wanted to give the person, who he loves, a orange blossom because he wants to be in an innocent romantic relationship.

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