• This is criminal level of incompetent.

    Literally sth close to this have happened in kpop before multiple times. Fortunately it was always near miss except Wendy's case.

    I hope they freaking hold the venue mangers responsible.

    Exactly this type of shit i hate the sheer level of complacency, incompetence and negligence is just criminal. We live in an age where regulations don't need to be written in blood anymore. People need to start using comnon sense and check shit out before allowing someone to go on stage, Same when it comes to stunts or stage designs if common sense says this person will fall to their death easy fix we do have bars or even the clearest glass walls that will prevent it. Same with the screens suspended by steel cable, there should have been a minimum of two holding it with both cables far exceeding the weight requirement so that it is failsafe so if one breaks the other will hold it, and by More than enough time for everyone to evacuate or even repair it. As for Wendy's case? Someone should have literally been hanged for that, that was a 1000000% preventable situation

  • True but some of that clown shit seeps in especially after the CCP got control of HK

    true true...especially if the company that owns/manufactures the mirrors have chinese political connections or the company that did the joining/installation...

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